Hello, ladies and gentlemen.

My name is CiaránPixelz and what you are looking at right now is my very own website! To briefly summerise, I'm just your not-so-average British content creator who specialises in gaming content! Feel free to continue browsing this website or better yet; explore my social media profiles below.

  • I get this question a lot. A LOT.

    Keer-awn / Keer-an

    It's basically pronounced the same as the name "Kieran".

  • I create gaming content, although I do vlog time to time and in my past, I experimented a lot with short films.

    Being a content creator, it is important to stick to a niche, to be honest I don’t exactly quite know the bounds of this niche yet and I’m always experimenting! That being said, I play a lot of Minecraft of my channel and I like that style of game that really allows my creativity to burst.

  • I like to keep my dreams realistic and achievable so that I can achieve them and aim even higher!

    Ever since I was a young child, I've always been creative; writing stories and trying to entertain others, mix that in with a lifetime of enjoying video games and that is why when I discovered the world of YouTube and content creation in 2012, I knew that was how I wanted to make my mark on the world.

    My ultimate dream is to become a successful content creator by entertaining others and then to use my platform to make the world a happier place; that's pretty ambitious I know, which is exactly why I plan to take it one step at a time.