A long time ago, the world was abundant with magic. It was entwined with nature itself, monsters and all sorts of magical creatures roamed Tatheria’s surface. Humans who were naturally proficient with magic were known as “The Attuned”, and as history went on they improved upon their magic, each generation stronger and more powerful than the last. It all culminated with war that almost resulted in the extinction of the human race. As humanity rebuilt their society, they decided magic was a threat to mankind and all things magic were cast into fire.

Hundreds of years have passed- welcome to a world where magic is dead.

Magicide is an in-development visual novel & role-playing game (RPG) set in a fantasy world that has been stripped of it’s magic, now resembling a more bleak and colourless modern reality, much like our own.

You play as Maya Masaki. A young adult who has accepted the futility of her mundane life, who enjoys the simple comforts she can find, such as sleeping until noon or reading a good book.

However, today is like none other for Maya, a break in her routine, as upon waking up, she hears a strange knocking on her door and is greeted by a mysterious figure… Next thing she knows she wakes up in a mysterious dungeon joined by a cast of colourful characters that drive the story.

(This guy gives me the creeps.)

A game where even getting dressed is a chore!

Explore mysterious and intriguing environments.

Nothing like seeing someone get scarred for life!

Uncover the mystery of your containment!

I aim to release playable demo by October 2024. Though, be aware this is a VERY rough estimate. If you want to stay updated with the game’s development, you can join the CiaránPixelz discord server and select the magicide role.

I also encourage you to share the existence of this upcoming game on social media with a link to this page and the hashtag #Magicide! Bonus points if there’s fan art involved!

Meet the Cast:

The Protagonist

Maya Masaki

An introverted 23-year-old who is completely content with living a mundane, simple life. Maya doesn’t need much to be happy, just a quiet place to read and daydream.

She lives in a rundown apartment by herself, she doesn’t get guests often, her dad is the only person she talks with on the regular.

She feels as if her life is “missing something”. While she’s content with her living conditions, she often envies the protagonists and heroes of the books she reads, often aspiring for a more interesting life.

Be careful what you wish for.

(While your average protagonist probably spends their weekend by going on amazing adventures, I spend mine indoors, in my underwear, and if I'm lucky, I'm eating a bowl of ice cream.)

Maya’s Father

Mark Masaki

Mark is father of the year material. He’s protective, caring, active in his daughters life and he’s got a great sense of humour. Mark raised Maya all by himself, as her mother & his wife disappeared almost 20 years ago, and all things considered he did a pretty good job.

While Mark is a very soft hearted person, he operates on a “no bullshit” policy, he is very protective of the people he loves and if he sees someone who may try to trick, cheat or endanger his loved ones, his anger can often cloud his judgement.

He’s not as good as a fighter as he was in his youth, but he most certainly still packs a punch

"You may be an adult, but you're still my little girl! You barely ever call! Can you really blame your old man for caring?"

Fellow captive

Rosilyn Crescent

Loud & Proud, Despite her feminine wiles, Rosilyn is ultimately a tomboy at heart embracing the more, chaotic and rambunctious side of life, Like her fiancé, Cynthia, she doesn’t think about hypotheticals. She’s the type to deal with things by ramming head-first into whatever issue they face.

That being said, While Cynthia is methodical and quite organised, Rosilyn is the complete opposite to that. She thrives in the chaos, gives in to her impulses and tries to see the bright side in any given situation, although sometimes at the cost of seeming a little dim-witted.

Rosilyn is not above a little mischief either, known for her pranks, she’s one of the few people in this era who practice magic, despite how incredibly illegal that is.

“Well, I say we sit and wait! Just like miss sleepy over there!”

Fellow captive

Cynthia Solara

“Pragmatic”. This is a word that sums up Cynthia pretty nicely. To an outsider, she can often appear cold, distant and even unconcerned with others, the only person she seems to have warmed up to, is her fiancé, Rosilyn Crecent.

While she’s not aggressive per se, she often can come across as passive aggressive, especially when others are faced with tough situations, while others may find it helpful to go over hypotheticals, Cynthia is a more logical, results driven person, very methodical in how she deals with things.

But when push comes to shove, she’s a determined and fierce individual focused on protecting her friends and her fiancé to the best of her ability and she enjoys those who see the world in he same lens as her own.

“Such matters don't concern you, and now that you know what the symbol is, I'd advise you to keep tight-lipped about it, for your own good.”

Mysterious person who doesn’t quite show up at the beginning but you’ll love her anyways!

Evelina amare

Fun fact, she totally made up her last name!

18-years-old, Evelina is not only the youngest, but by far the most wholesome and strange individual Maya will come across. A runaway princess, Evelina is enamoured with the idea of magic, and ran away from her family in order to pursue it!

Unlike the rest of her family, Evelina is a good natured and kind soul. Raised to be the voice of her nation’s people, she lives to serve, always placing others needs before her own.

And Despite a few complications with the whole running away from her family, she’s landed herself a pretty interesting gig, a little dangerous, but one that will hopefully allow her to achieve her goal of learning magic.

“Just hold on. All is going to be okay.”

Your captor


Charismatic. Turq is someone not to be taken lightly. Guy definitely has a few screws loose. But if you can tolerate his near sociopathic tendencies, you’ll find a flamboyant fella who only wants the best for his people.

…Even if what he considers “best for his people” is the dehumanisation of billions and bloody revolution aimed at taking down the world government that ban magic in the first place.

If you want to know more about him, I suppose you’ll just have to play the game.

“And like the serpent of Eden, I shall feed you the apple of knowledge, so that you may all truly understand your gift.”


Ciarán Place