Minecraft: City of Merchants is a Minecraft machinima series created by Ciarán Dakin-Watson back in the spring of 2020. It follows our protagonist; a pretentious & villainous fugitive known as Prince Malcolm and his misadventures in the City of Merchants; a world famous merchant city that sits by the Aureum Canal.

The three fugitives


Whether Malcolm truly is a prince or not is something disputed, but one is clear: he's a heartless, arrogant & pretentious scumbag.

He landed himself into Bedrock Asylum after he tried to blow up the city's walls, despite that, nobody seems to take him all that seriously. But don't get on his bad side, because he's enchanted with Flame, which allows him to shoot Fireballs from his hand.

Zorren Diamante

Owner of the Diamond Casino, Zorren's stacked in cash, he often gets into fights with his patrons, this often lands him in prison. It's no problem for Zorren though, as he uses it as an excuse to scheme his way into winning money from the prisoners and bailing himself out by sunset.

Oliver D. Guyy

Jack of all trades, Oliver has one goal in life and it's to master every skill there is in the world. He may be the town's handyman, but that's only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Oliver's talents. Only one problem though, his memories end at a certain point and he has no idea where he came from and who he was other than his name was Oliver.


Sergeant Bedrock

Former sergeant in the military, sergeant Bedrock took charge of the city's prison and renamed it to Bedrock Asylum. Under his rule he has made the prison inescapable and a living hell for it's prisoners. He is as tough as they come, he strikes fear into the hearts of men, and he is not to be messed with..

The Witch of the Forest

Many dismiss her existence to being a local myth, but she's real alright. Living secluded in her forest, she's naturally mischievous and has magical solutions to all of her problems. But as the city keeps expanding closer and closer to her forest, her way of life comes under threat which causes her to join forces with Bedrock.


Dean Brickstein

Dean of Aureum Academy, Brickstein has no tolerance for people who break the rules. He never wanted to let a criminal such as Malcolm into his prestigious academy, but he's honor-bound to let it slide. Equipped with his stick and his very own enchantment: Knockback, he vows to protect his students no matter the cost, whether it's from Malcolm or anyone else.

cassandra Brickstein

Daughter of the dean, Cassandra is a social butterfly and a gossip queen! Whether it's relationships, fashion trends, or the latest campus scandals, you can bet she's heard her fair share of gossip about it! Cassandra ultimately means well, but sometimes she lets popularity get to her head and act in ways that don't represent her true nature. 

Maribelle Hawthorne

Owner of the local flower store and studying botany, Mari is both metaphorically and quite literally down to earth. She values honesty and transparency above all else, sometimes making her come across as overly direct and sometimes even mean spirited, but ultimately deep down, Mari is as sweet as they come.

Adrian Marin

Heir to his family's aquarium and future marine biologist, everybody loves Adrian; he's the class president after all. But, he's a bit of a pushover. He's always focused on making light of a situation and ensuring everyone remains happy, even if it's to his own detriment. But Adrian's not complicated, he's just a goofball.

Eric Chadwick

Self-acclaimed Bakedmeiser, Eric is quite literally always high. Whenever he's not trying to attract the attention of the ladies or trying to raid their drawers, he's a bro through and through. Besides that, somehow, he's enchanted with Mending which allows him to heal virtually any wound, at the cost of his lifespan.

Izzy Leslián

Studying medicine, Izzy often takes the role as the voice of reason among her chaotic classmates. She always goes out of her way to be a helping hand to her classmates, and she gets along with everyone for the most part. Despite this, Izzy likes to keep to herself when it comes to details regarding her personal life and people only seem to have a surface-deep understanding of who she really is.

Piglin Mafia

Pig Tony

Don of the Piglin Mafia, Pig Tony HATES humans with a burning passion. He wants revenge against the human race for the crimes they committed against his kind, and he doesn't care who he has to work with or kill to achieve that.


Not much is known about Scarlette, not even how he got into Aureum Academy, but she means trouble. She's currently studying criminology but don't let that fool you, she has no intention to use that knowledge for good. Her real allegiance is to the Piglin mafia who she views as her family, and she's fiercely loyal to them, no matter the cost.


CiaránPixelz Minecraft SMP Season 2